Friday, September 19, 2008

I wAnt to watch mOvieSSS !!!


但是放假 = 花钱

昨天考完试就去了sunway pyramid看戏,还要看我根本不想看的英国历史《The other boleyn girl》(应该是除了mr. kur win & cammy想看之外,没有人想看)...本来以为可以看halloween or black water ,没想到...kur win想看美女的心态我可以了解,cammy就...不过也好啦,如果我现在还有读历史的话,我一定可以在这课拿满分...

看完戏后因为离吃steamboat还有一段时间,所以就在pyramid逛了一下,刚好看到一间cosmetics shop,我忘了它的全名,在最顶楼,店的装饰以粉红色为主的,它的东西还满值得买的...

逛了大概一个小时,我们就去《缘》吃火锅...坐在我隔壁有buffet queen之称的cammy一直叫我吃多一点,一定要吃超过rm20,我已经很尽力了,但是我真的full tank到不能再full了... 但是在我饱到不想动的同时,ng yi jie一直引诱我去拿ice-cream,偏偏喜欢吃甜品的我抗拒不了,所以就酱吃了3次...所以要减肥的人真的不要去吃buffet,以后谁再叫我去吃buffet我就打他...真的不是夸张,因为吃太多,今天早上睡醒还胃痛...

虽然放假是很开心的一件事,但是想到下个term我们13个人不能在同一组一起上课就真得很舍不得,毕竟培养了9个月的感情和默契也不是假的...无论如何,希望下次还有机会一起skip class,一起在break的时候去看戏吃东西讲废话...Group 2 , you are the best !!!

What I want to say is ~~~

I'm freed from the stupid exam FINALLY !!!!

I want go shopping !!!

I want to watch movieS !!!

I want to buy NICHii's skirt !!!

I want to do whatever things that i like !!!

but .......

I don't have
money $$$$$ leh ...... den howWw ...


yj said...



u don go NICHii liao...the skirt u bought which very nice!! u wanna sell it=.="

p@u said...


i ady said , the skirt is nice but when it's on my body . it's not nice ady , haha

Unknown said...

哈哈。。说真的,以后我们的Group就不是以后的Group 了。真的很不舍得咯。。假期快乐哦~

艾莉~エリ said... until full tank...lolz...

ur stomach will be really suffer!


Jolie said...

how was the snail? nice?
no money to do all the thing u like ah, like that u only can go to work and earn money lo.....

yj said...


not nice mer?i feel very young and cute lo~~ haha...not as u usual...=p

yj said...

wei...forgot ask u...u fall in love again ar?! changed to a sweet sweet theme ler..

p@u said...

the snail is nice , i mean the taste , but a bit overcooked ...

i will wear it when i brave enough haha ... n hor , wat fall in love again with ...
i noe who u mean , herk ...

hueymei said...

i wan shopping too!!!!!!!!!!!!